Wednesday 15 August 2012

Chelsea Bun - Fitzbillies, Cambridge

Fitzbillies Chelsea Bun
Firstly, an apology for the lack of posts over the last couple of weeks.  Sadly, my Gran passed away and therefore, my time has been spent elsewhere.  We are left with fond memories, many of which involve food, and I am sure I have inherited my love of good food from her.

Anyway, some resemblance of normality must resume so I am pleased to bring you my next installment.

The choice here has to be credited to a friend of mine, Milton, who recommended the Fitzbillies Chelsea Bun to me in his blog.  I will also place all blame on him for my inevitable repeat visits and the resulting hole in my wallet and expanding waistline!

Fitzbillies, located on Trumpington Street near King's College, Cambridge is a beautiful bakery, renowned for it's Chelsea Buns, which are also available to mail order.  The selection of sweet and savoury goodies was fantastic and it took me some time to decide on what to have for my lunch.  The signature Chelsea Bun won in the end, but I also went for a rabbit pasty to start which was absolutely delicious too.  Anyway, this is about the cakes, so without further ado I'll get down to business. 

Presentation - Score: 7/10

My personal opinion is that Chelsea Buns are not the prettiest of cakes, but at the same time there is a certain appeal in their swirling form.  What set these Chelsea Buns apart was the honey oozing out of every crevice, which is enough to make me drool even now just thinking about it!  This means the Fitzbillies Chelsea Bun scores a rather good 7 out of 10 for presentation.

Taste - Score: 10/10

Firstly, these buns should come with a warning not to eat them at your desk in the office unless you have a plentiful supply of wet wipes to hand - a thank you to one of my colleagues there for coming to my rescue :)  Secondly, these Chelsea buns are deeeeeelicious!  The sweet honey, spicy cinnamon, chewy currants and perfectly textured dough combine beautifully to create a treat that is truly divine and is well deserving of a perfect 10 out of 10 for taste.

Overall - Score: 9/10

Here we have another special cake, which doesn't quite pip the courgette cake to being the best one I've reviewed so far, but runs a very, very close second.  Overall, a fantastic score of 9 out of 10.  I can't wait to go back and try something else...and maybe another one of these :)


  1. Hi Matt, glad you liked the bun! As a bear with a love of cake I am enjoying your blog and will definitely have to track down some of your recommendations!


  2. Thanks Milton, and thank you again for the recommendation - I will be going back as there were so many other tempting treats!! Glad you're enjoying the blog too :)

