Greggs Blueberry Burst Doughnut |
I think its important that this blog doesn't just concentrate on 'posh' or 'special' cakes, but reflects the fact that a baked treat and mug of tea/coffee is sometimes just what's needed to get through a morning or afternoon, or both for that matter.
The Blueberry Burst doughnut from Greggs fits nicely into this category and has been one of my regular indulgences over the last few months. I was going to write about it last week but didn't as the one I had wasn't up to the standard of those I'd had previously - I'll explain more in a minute. However, I have been back today and am pleased to bring you this post.
Presentation - Score: 6/10
As doughnuts go, I have to say these look pretty darn good. Lined up in the shop display case alongside their multi-coloured brothers and sisters they do look a treat. Certainly much more appealing than the confectionery aisle of Tesco Express next door! The doughnuts themselves look plump and as if they could literally burst with their filling and the purple zig-zag lines on top of the icing, even though in many cases they are broken lines as in the picture above, add that little finishing touch. It is a shame they end up slung in a paper bag, where the icing sticks to the sides on the way back to the office, but what more can you ask for just 80p!
Never going to be in the same league as any of the 'posh' cakes, but all in all the Greggs Blueberry Burst doughnut scores a very respectable 6 out of 10 for presentation.
Taste - Score: 3/10
Now here is where I go into the story about why I didn't write about this doughnut last week. As I've said above, I have eaten quite a few of these doughnuts over the last few months and up until last week I have enjoyed the way the filling really does burst out of the middle as you bite into it, oozing out of any available hole and inevitably dripping onto something white or important! However, last week I bit into the doughnut, ready to catch the unsuspecting drips, and all I got was dough - very soft, beautifully textured dough, but just dough. I took another bite, thinking it could be possible that all the filling was to one side... still just dough... eventually I got to some filling, but there can't have been more than half a teaspoonful! I was very disappointed to say the least, but I didn't write it up as I figured it could easily have been the last in the run or something like that and I would give it another go this week as a chance to redeem itself. Well today was the day and it took me very much by surprise.
Where's the filling? |
Today I bought my doughnut and returned to the office, where I took that first bite I'd been looking forward to... again no filling! If anything there was even less than last week! I was so annoyed I took a photo and returned to Greggs to complain, with what was left of the doughnut. The picture is to the right here, and what filling you see in the image is all that was there!
The lady in Greggs was absolutely lovely and gave me my money back, along with two additional doughnuts. Being the very kind person I am, I gave one to a colleague and took the other back to my desk. Before I had managed to start on mine, my colleague came over to show me that his hardly had any filling in, a similar amount to the one I had just taken back in fact. This was getting beyond a joke, so I decided to take a trip down memory lane, back to science class at school, and dissected the remaining doughnut. The result is shown in this last image below, and is the reason for the shocking score I have given this doughnut. Due to the distinct lack of both blueberry and burst, the Greggs Blueberry Burst doughnut scores a miserable 3 out of 10 for taste.
I was so shocked by the lack of filling in here! |
Overall - Score: 4/10
So, so disappointed with this, as on past experience we would have been looking at a 7 or 8 overall. Sorry Greggs but you have one unhappy customer and your Blueberry Burst doughnut has scored a poor 4 out of 10 overall. Please sort your filling out!
I'd be interested to know if anyone else has had the same experience, or if it is just my local Greggs that has had a problem? Anyone willing to take on a tasty challenge?